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Pacing Occ.


The Pacing Occupancy graph provides occupancy-related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your company for a specific arrival period. This graph offers valuable insights into occupancy trends and performance within your property management portfolio, allowing you to track and analyze occupancy levels over time and make data-driven decisions to optimize occupancy.

Customization Options

The PM Pacing Occupancy graph offers several customization options to tailor the view according to your specific needs:

  1. Select Occupancy-Related KPIs: Choose the occupancy-related KPIs that are most relevant to your analysis. Common KPIs include Adjusted Paid Occupancy, Average Length of Stay, and Average Booking Window.
  2. Customize the Time Period: Adjust the arrival period for your analysis. This allows you to view occupancy performance data for specific dates, whether for a particular season, month, or week.
  3. Filter by Property or Market: Drill down to look at occupancy performance for specific properties or markets to get a more detailed view of performance.

Occupancy-Related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs in the PM Pacing Occupancy graph are essential for assessing occupancy trends and performance:

  • Adjusted Paid Occupancy: The percentage of available room nights that have been sold, adjusted for any factors that affect availability.
  • Average Length of Stay: The average number of nights guests stay in units, indicating the typical length of guest stays.
  • Average Booking Window: The average number of days between the booking date and the arrival date, providing insights into booking patterns and reservation lead times.

Practical Insights

  • Track Occupancy Trends: Monitor occupancy trends over time to identify seasonal patterns, peak demand periods, and potential areas for improvement.
  • Analyze Booking Patterns: Examine average length of stay and booking window data to understand guest behavior and adjust pricing and marketing strategies accordingly.
  • Compare Performance Across Properties: Compare occupancy performance across different properties within your portfolio to identify top performers and areas for optimization.
  • Forecast Occupancy: Use insights from the graph to forecast future occupancy levels and adjust inventory and pricing strategies accordingly.
  • Optimize Marketing Efforts: Analyze occupancy data to assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and promotional efforts, and optimize strategies to maximize occupancy.


  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly review the PM Pacing Occupancy graph to stay updated on occupancy trends and performance. Frequent monitoring helps in making timely adjustments to pricing, marketing, and inventory management strategies.
  • Focus on Occupancy Drivers: Identify factors driving high adjusted paid occupancy rates, long average lengths of stay, or booking window trends, such as seasonality, events, or marketing campaigns. Prioritize efforts to capitalize on these drivers.
  • Address Underperforming Areas: Identify properties or markets with lower occupancy rates or shorter average lengths of stay and investigate potential reasons, such as pricing issues, marketing gaps, or operational challenges. Take corrective actions to improve performance.
  • Collaborate with Your Team: Share insights from the PM Pacing Occupancy graph with your team. Collaborative analysis ensures that everyone is aligned and can contribute to optimizing occupancy performance.

By effectively utilizing the PM Pacing Occupancy graph, you can gain valuable insights into occupancy trends and performance within your property management portfolio. This will enable you to make more strategic decisions, optimize your occupancy management strategies, and ultimately enhance your overall property performance.